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Saturday, September 22, 2018

CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources

Class Notes of Ch 16 Management of Natural Resources
Class 10th Science

Management of Natural Resources


  • Introduction
  • Protecting the Natural Resources
  • Need of Managing Natural Resources
  • Forests and Wildlife
  • Water
  • Water Harvesting
  • Coal and Petroleum


Natural resources are the resources which occur in nature and can exist without actions of human kind.
Example- soil, water, coal, petroleum, natural gas, forests etc.
Soil, water, air and other some natural resources are cycled over and over again in nature but resources like coal, petroleum, wildlife etc. are limited so should be used in limit.
National and international organizations implemented national and international laws for protecting our environment.

Protecting the Natural Resources

Ganga action plan is the project cam e about to the make the water of Ganga.

River Ganga was polluted by human activities like bathing, washing, industrial effluents and also by disease causing microorganisms.

Coliform is a group of bacteria, found in human intestine, whose presence in water indicates contamination by disease causing microorganisms.

Some of the pollutants are harmful even when present in small quantities and sophisticated techniques are required to maintain them.
Measuring pH of water is a technique that can be checked by using universal indicator.
Three R’s are used to save the environment –
  • Reduce – natural resources should be used in fewer amounts.
  • Recycle- the waste like plastic, glass, metal items can be collected separately and used again to make required things.
  • Reuse- things should be used again and again. For example- plastic bottles containing pickles can be used again for storing any other materials.

Need of Managing Natural Resources

The things which are used like roads, buildings, clothes etc, and which are consumed like food, drinks are obtained from natural resources of earth.
Natural resources are limited and with the increase in human population the demand of natural resources in increasing.
Damage of environment due to natural resources.
For example- while mining, large amount of slag is discarded and cause pollution.
Natural resources also should be managed to ensure equitable distribution to all.

Forest and Wildlife

Forests are ‘biodiversity hot spots ‘.
Biodiversity is the variety of species living in different habitats.

Biodiversity should be preserved because a loss of biodiversity may lead to a loss of ecological stability.
All animals along with the stake holders are largely dependent on forest.
Stake holders are -
  • Local people who live in forest or around forests and are dependent on forest for firewood, timber, fruits, nuts, medicines and thatches to make huts, baskets for collecting foods, implements for fishing, agriculture.
  • The forest department which owns the land and converted the forests to monocultures of pine, teak plants and for this huge areas are cleared of all vegetation which effected large amount of biodiversity along with the varied needs of local people.
  • The industrialists use the forests as a source of raw material for their factories.
  • The nature enthusiasts want to conserve nature in its pristine form.
  • Forests are ought to be used in a manner that is both environmentally and developmentally sound.

    Water is a basic necessity to all terrestrial life forms.
    Human intervention also changes the availability of water in various regions.
    Water availability is less because of urban waste, diversion for high water demanding crops etc.
    Irrigation methods like dams, tanks, canals are used by local people to meet the minimum requirements of agriculture and daily needs.
    Dams can ensure the storage of water not just for irrigation but also for generating electricity.
    Canal systems leading from dams can transfer large amount of water to great distances.
    For example- Indira Gandhi canal has brought greenery to large areas of Rajasthan.
    Opposition to the construction of large dams-
    • Social problems because to construct dams many peasants and tribal are replaced without adequate compensation.
    • Economic problems because public spend large amount of money and do not get benefit.
  • Water Harvesting

Water conservation increases biomass production.
The aim of water harvesting is to develop primary resources of land and water to produce secondary resources.
Khadins, tanks, nadis in Rajasthan, bandharas, tals in Maharashtra, ahars and pynes in Bihar, surangams in Kerala, bundhis in Madhya Pradesh, eris in Tamil nadu, Kattas in Karnataka are some of the water harvesting system.
In largely level terrain, the water harvesting structures are crescent shaped earthen embankments; straight concrete and rubble check dams built across seasonally flooded gullies.
The advantages of water stored in ground are-
  • It does not evaporate.
  • Spreads out to recharge wells and provides moisture for vegetation over a wide area.
  • Does not provide breeding grounds for mosquitos.
  • Protected from human and animal waste.

Coal And Petroleum

Fossil fuels, coal and petroleum are important source of energy.
Coal and petroleum were formed from the degradation of biomass millions of years ago.
Contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur.
When coal and petroleum are burnt, the products are carbon di oxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur.
When combustion takes place in sufficient air the carbon monoxide is formed instead of carbon dioxide.
Oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon monoxide are poisonous at high concentration.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
Coal and petroleum contains large amount of carbon, if all this carbon is converted to carbon dioxide it can cause intense global warming and so the natural resources should be used judiciously.

SCIENCE Revision Notes

Chapter:01  Chemical Reaction & Equation
Chapter:02  Acid Base & Salt
Chapter:03  Metals & Non Metals
Chapter:04  Carbon & its Components
Chapter:05  Periodic Classification of Elements
Chapter:06  Life Processes
Chapter:07  Control & Coordinates
Chapter:08  How do Organisms Reproduce
Chapter:09  Heridity & Evolution
Chapter:10  Light Reflection Refraction
Chapter:11  The Human Eye & the Colourful World
Chapter:12  Electricity
Chapter:13  Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
Chapter:14  Source Of Energy
Chapter:15  Our Environment
Chapter:16  Management of Natural Resource

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