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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 4 Carbon and Its Compound

Class Notes of Ch 4 Carbon and Its Compound
Class 10th Science

Carbon and Its Compound

  • Introduction
  • Covalent bond in carbon
  • Bonding in Hydrogen
  • Bonding in Oxygen
  • Bonding in Nitrogen
  • Versatile nature of carbon
  • Saturated Carbon Compounds
  • Unsaturated Carbon Compounds
  • Structural isomers
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Bonding of carbon with other elements
  • Homologous Series
  • Nomenclature of Carbon Compounds
  • Chemical properties of carbon compounds
  • Properties of Ethanol
  • Properties of Ethanoic Acid
  • Soaps
  • Detergents
All the substances that surround us have carbon components within them.  All living and non-living components in the environment are carbon based.
Human body contains 18% of carbon and act as the basic building block of the cells present in human body. It is necessary for the cellular respiration of the various parts of human body.
Carbon is basically an element and is of extensive importance and significance, both in its elemental form and in its combined form for the survival on earth. 0.02% of carbon is present in the earth’s crust in the form of carbonates, hydrogen carbonates, coal, petroleum and other minerals whereas 0.03% of carbon is present in the atmosphere.

Covalent Bond in Carbon
o    The elements having less than 8 electrons in their outermost shell always have a tendency to attain an octet in order to attain a noble gas configuration by gaining or losing electron forming ionic compounds.
o    In case of carbon with atomic number 6 there are four electrons in its outermost shell due to which it is termed as tetravalent.
o    It gains or loses four electrons to attain the nearest noble gas configuration.
o    Carbon has two possibilities to attain noble gas configuration.
(i) One of the possibilities is to attain four electrons and form C4– anion. But it will be difficult for the nucleus to hold four more electrons firmly.
(ii) Another possibility is to lose four electrons forming C4+ cation. But this will also be difficult due to the requirement of large energy to lose four electrons from the outermost shell. As a result the atom will contain six protons and two electrons.
o    Therefore carbon shares its valence electrons present in its outermost shell with the electrons in the outermost shell of the combining atoms of other elements.
o    Due to this sharing of four electrons of carbon with the electrons of other combining atoms, carbon is said to form covalent bonds. For example, carbon shares these electrons with four atoms of hydrogen.
o    The carbon-carbon bond is very strong and hence stable.
o    Compounds possessing covalent bonds have strong bonds within the molecule, but intermolecular forces are small leading to low melting and boiling points of these compounds.
o    Due to the sharing of electrons no charged particles are formed i.e. no ions are formed due to which covalent compounds are poor conductors of electricity.

Bonding in Hydrogen: 
The atomic number of hydrogen is 1 and has only one electron in its K shell.
This shell needs to either acquire or lose an electron to attain noble gas configuration of helium.
Due to this reason two hydrogen atoms share their outermost electrons leading to the formation of a molecule of hydrogen, H2.
The shared pair of electrons between the hydrogen atoms constitutes a single bond between them and is also represented by a line between the two atoms.

Bonding in Oxygen:
The atomic number of oxygen is 8 and has six electrons in its L shell.
This shell needs to either acquire or lose electrons two electrons to attain noble gas configuration of Neon.
So each atom of oxygen shares two electrons with other atom of oxygen to attain the nearest noble gas configuration.
The shared pair of electrons between the oxygen atoms constitutes a double bond between them and is also represented by two parallel lines between the two atoms as shown in figure and exists as O2 molecule.

Bonding in Nitrogen:
Nitrogen has the atomic number 7 and has five electrons in its outermost shell.
This shell needs to either acquire or lose electrons three electrons to attain noble gas configuration of Neon.
So each atom of nitrogen shares three electrons with other atom of nitrogen to attain the nearest noble gas configuration.
The shared pair of electrons between the nitrogen atoms constitutes a triple bond between them and is also represented by three parallel lines between the two atoms as shown in figure and exists as N2 molecule.

Versatile nature of carbon
The versatile nature of carbon due to the presence of covalent bond enables it to form a large number of compounds.
(i) Carbon due to its property of catenation possesses a unique ability to form bonds with other atoms of carbon, giving rise to large number of molecules and compounds having long chains of carbon, branched chains of carbon or carbon atoms arranged in rings and linked by single, double or triple bonds.
(ii) Carbon being tetravalent is capable of bonding with four other atoms of carbon or any other combining mono-valent element.
 (iii) Carbon forms compounds with oxygen (Carbon-dioxide), hydrogen (Methane), nitrogen (Hydrogen cyanide), sulphur, chlorine (Chloromethane) and many other elements giving rise to compounds with specific properties depending upon the elements present in the compound.
(iv) The compounds formed are stable due to their strong bonds as a result of its small size which enables the nucleus to hold the shared pair of electrons firmly.

Saturated Carbon Compounds
o    Compounds formed by the linking of carbon by single bonds in between them are called saturated compounds.
o    These compounds have hydrogen atoms that fill all of the other bonding orbitals of the carbon atoms.
o    For example, Alkanes are saturated compounds. It is a series of saturated compounds.
o    Methane with a formula CHis one of the simplest compounds formed by carbon.
o    The valency of hydrogen is 1 and that of carbon is 4.
o    So 4 carbon atoms share their outermost electrons with four individual hydrogen atoms by a single bond. 
o    This saturated compound is extensively used as a fuel and is one of the significant constituent of bio-gas and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).
o    The second compound in the series of saturated compounds is ethane with a formula of C2H6.
o    In case of ethane three valencies of each carbon atom remain unsatisfied and hence each carbon is bonded to three hydrogen atoms by a single bond are normally not very reactive.
Unsaturated Carbon Compounds
o    Compounds formed by the linking of carbon by double or triple bonds in between them are called unsaturated compounds.
o    For example, Ethene (C2H4) is an alkene in which one carbon atom gets bonded to another carbon atom by a double bond. The remaining valencies of each carbon are satisfied by two hydrogen atoms.
o    Ethyne (C2H2) is an alkyne in which one carbon atom gets bonded to another carbon atom by a double or triple bond. The remaining valency of each carbon is satisfied by one hydrogen atom.
o    These compounds are more reactive than the saturated carbon compounds.
o    Structural Isomers
Compounds having same molecular formula but different molecular structures are known as structural isomers.
o    The following structures show the structural isomers of butane.

                                                        H   H  H
       H    H    H   H                        H    C    H

       H    H    H   H                       H     H    H    
           n-Butane                         Iso-Butane

o    Structural isomer of Hexane are as follows:
CH3―CH2―CH2 ―CH2― CH2―CH3    

CH3―CH2―CH2 ― CH―CH3
CH3―CH2―C ―CH3

o    All carbon compounds having carbon and hydrogen are known as hydrocarbons.
o    The saturated hydrocarbons having single bonds are called alkanes. For example, Methane, Ethane etc. The general formula for alkanes can be written as CnH2n+1, where n = 2, 3, 4.
o    The unsaturated hydrocarbons having one or more double bonds are called alkenes. For example, Ethene, Propene, Butene, etc. The general formula for alkenes can be written as CnH2n, where n = 2, 3, 4.
o    The unsaturated hydrocarbons having one or more triple bonds are called alkynes. For example, Ethyne, Propyne etc. The general formula for alkynes can be written as CnH2n-1, where n = 2, 3, 4.

Bonding of Carbon with other Elements

o    In addition to hydrogen carbon also form bonds with other elements like halogens, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and many more.
o    One or more hydrogen bonded to carbon can be replaced by any of the elements mentioned above in such a way that the valency of carbon remains satisfied.
o    The element that replaces the hydrogen from the compound is termed as a heteroatom.
o    The heteroatom deliberates certain specific properties to the compound that alters its previous behaviour irrespective of the length and nature of the carbon chain. They are termed as functional groups.

Homologous Series
o    A series of carbon compounds in which same functional group substitutes the hydrogen atom is called a homologous series.
o    These compounds have similar chemical properties due to the addition of same kind of functional group throughout the chain.
o    For example, the series of alkanes i.e. Methane, ethane, propane, butane and so on is a homologous series.
o    The series like methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol and so on is also a homologous series. The functional group attached to these compounds is alcohol.
o    With the increase in molecular mass in a homologous series the physical properties like melting points, boiling points and solubility in a particular solvent increases.
o    But the chemical properties of a homologous series determined by the functional group remain same.

Nomenclature of Carbon Compounds

o    Identify the number of carbon atoms in the compound.

No. of Carbon Atoms
Term to be Used

o    If the compound contains a functional group, it is indicated in the name of the compound with either a prefix or a suffix.

Functional Group
Prefix (R-) /suffix (-R)
-chloro or – bromo
Depending upon the functional group added.
Cholorethane/ Bromoethane
Carboxylic acid
-oic acid
Ethanoic acid

o     The functional group present in the compound is indicated as suffix by removing the e at the end and adding the appropriate suffix as discussed in the table. For example, a two-carbon chain with an Aldehyde group would be named as: - Ethane – ‘e’ = Ethan + ‘one’ = Ethanone.
o    In case of unsaturated carbon chain the final ‘ane’ in the name of the carbon chain is substituted by ‘ene’ for double bond or ‘yne’ for triple bond.
Functional Group
Prefix (R-) /suffix (-R)
Alkane (Single bond)
Alkene (Double bond)
Alkyne (Triple bond)

Chemical properties of carbon compounds
1. Combustion
o    All the allotropic forms of carbon burn in the presence of oxygen releasing carbon dioxide along with heat and light.
o    The chemical equation for the carbon compounds undergoing combustion are as follows:
(i) C + O2 → CO2 + heat and light
(ii) C2H5 (Ethane) + O2 → CO2 + H2O + heat and light
(iii) C5H12OH (Pentanol) + O2 → CO2 + H2O + heat and light
o    Saturated hydrocarbons undergo combustion giving a clean flame. But in the presence of limited supply of air hydrocarbons produces a sooty flame as a result of incomplete combustion.
Gas stove at home has inlets for sufficient supply of oxygen and hence the mixture burns giving a clean blue flame. But if the inlets get blocked the fuel remains unburnt and hence the bottom part of the cooking vessels gets blackened.
Combustion of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum containing nitrogen and sulphur leads to the formation of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur that acts as major pollutants in the environment
 Take a gas stove having clean inlets for sufficient supply of oxygen. Burn the stove and heat a spoon. The spoon will not get a deposition of a black layer.
Take another gas stove having blocked inlets and heat the spoon. Soon deposition of a black layer over the spoon can be easily observed due to insufficient supply of oxygen resulting in the production of unburnt carbon particles.
o    Unsaturated carbon compounds will give a yellow flame releasing an enormous amount of black smoke. 

2. Oxidation
Carbon compounds gets readily oxidised on combustion. The following equation shows the conversion of alcohols to carboxylic acid.

3. Addition Reaction
o    During addition reaction an unsaturated hydrocarbon adds hydrogen to the reaction in the presence of catalysts.
o    Catalysts such as palladium or nickel proceed a reaction to a different rate without affecting the reaction to give saturated hydrocarbons.

o    This reaction is extensively used in the hydrogenation of vegetable oils containing long unsaturated carbon chains using a nickel catalyst.
o    Animal fats on the other hand have saturated carbon chains.
4. Substitution Reaction
A reaction in which one functional group or atom is replaced by another functional group or atom is called substitution reaction.
In the presence of sunlight addition of chlorine to hydrocarbons is a fast reaction that results in replacement of the hydrogen atoms one by one. This is an example of substitution reaction because chlorine replaces the hydrogen attached to the carbon atom in the hydrocarbon.

Properties of Ethanol
o    Ethanol exists in liquid state at room temperature.
o    Mixture of alcohol to ethane results in the formation of ethanol and it is the active ingredient of all alcoholic drinks. Even a small quantity of ethanol if consumed can causes drunkenness.
o    Being a good solvent, it is also used in medicines like tincture of iodine, cough syrups, and many other tonics.
o    Reactions of Ethanol
o    Reaction with sodium –
Reaction of alcohols with sodium leads to the evolution of hydrogen. Reaction of sodium with ethanol the product formed along with hydrogen is sodium ethoxide.

o    Reaction to give unsaturated hydrocarbon:
Reaction of ethanol with excess concentrated sulphuric acid acting as dehydrating agent at 443 K results in the dehydration of Ethanol leading to the formation of Ethene.
o    Dirt is oily in nature and hence does not dissolve in water.
o    To removes these dirt we often use soaps that contains sodium or potassium salts of long-chain carboxylic acids.
o    In soap the ionic-end is hydrophilic and hence dissolves in water.
o    The end containing carbon chain is hydrophobic and hence dissolves in oil leading to the formation of structures called micelles that dissolves the dirt in water thereby making it easier to clean the clothes.
o    This leads to the creation of emulsion in water.
o    But in case of hard water it becomes difficult to form foam and the forms scum with the salts of hard water. In that case another kind of cleansing agent used is known as detergents.


o    Detergents are cleansing agents possessing ammonium or sulphonate salts of long chain carboxylic acids that are used to clean clothes in hard water.
o    Hard water is the water containing calcium and magnesium carbonates. Soap forms lather with these carbonate salts thereby making it difficult to clean the clothes.
o    The charged ends of detergent do not form scum or precipitates with the calcium and magnesium ions present in hard water.
o    Therefore they remain effective in cleaning dirt in hard water as compared to soap.
o    They are also used for manufacturing shampoos and various cleansing products.

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