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Thursday, October 25, 2018

CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Chapter 5 Yoga

Class Notes of Chapter 5: Yoga
Class 11th Physical Education



  • In India                                                                           
  • Meaning
  • Importance
  • Periods in Indian Heritage
  • Yoga Includes
  • Asana
  • Pranayam
  • Meditation
  • Shatkarmas
  • Prevention of Diseases         

In India

  • Main part culture.
  • Even written in Mahabharata and Ramayana.
  • Also written by Tulsidas and Kabir Das.
  • Yoga originated in India.
  • Patanjali wrote about yoga.

  • Unification of Atma and Paramatma.
  • Unification of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual quality.

  • For physical purity.
  • Cure and prevention of diseases.
  • Reduce mental tension.                                    
  • For beatification of body.
  • Provide relaxation.
  • Reduce obesity and improves health.

Periods in Indian Heritage
  • PreVedic period- before Vedas means during Harrap and Mohenjo-Daro civilization.
  • Vedic period-during time of Vedas at that yogas are written in Rig-Veda.
  • Upanishad period- the real base of yoga found in this period.
  • Epic period- it time when Mahabharata and Ramayana are happening.
  • Sutra period- during Patanjali.
  • Smriti period-during smriti culture.           
  • Medieval period-during saints.
  • Modern period-during swami Vivekananda and now Baba Ramdev.

Yoga Includes
  • Yama-it includes – ahinsa, Satya, asthya, brahmacharya, and aprigrha.
  • Niyama-it means rules. It includes saucha, santosh, tapa, and swadhyaya and ishwara pranidhana.
  • Asana-it is just position and posture of the body.
  • Pranayam-control process in the breath. It includes inhalation, retaining the breath and exhalation.
  • Pratyahara-self control.
  • Dharana-concentration of mind.
  • Dhyana-constancy of mind
  • Samadhi-checking and destructing the impulse of mind.

  • To sit in a comfortable posture and position or in general word comfortable sit. They are of three types:
  1. Meditative (peacefull)
  2. Relaxative (relaxation)
  3. Cultural (provide energy)

  • Control on prana (life).it has three parts:
  1. Inhalation
  2. Retaining the breath
  3. Exhalation
  • There are three types of pranayamas:
  1. Ujjayi
  2. Morchha
  3. Suryabhedi
  4. Plavini

  • The concentration of mind.

  • Cleaning of body

Prevention of Diseases
  • Regular exercise
  • Play games
  • Yogic exercises
  • Taking a healthy diet
  • Maintain healthy weight
  • Mange from stress
  • By taking medicine regularly.

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